Inscription 83981551
- id
- 777df6b7e2d34c22bc9928f84480ef825aee06ca4ab0694b8afe4a850280b2cei0
- metadata
- name
- Magic Cat #75
- description
- The ultimate fusion of quantum spells and nostalgic wizardry
- attributes
- trait_type
- Background
- value
- Orange
- trait_type
- Fur
- value
- Electric
- trait_type
- Clothes
- value
- None
- trait_type
- Mouth
- value
- Green
- trait_type
- Eyes
- value
- XX
- trait_type
- Hats
- value
- Bitcoin Cap
- address
- bc1p3pzqrq7gjflgt8dj0fk6mfnmdfnkx68numekrjhmtxe9e5aemp7qsgvfyd
- value
- 1000
- sat
- 1297448177474087
- sat name
- equcqejdfxa
- preview
- link
- content
- link
- content length
- 9501 bytes
- content type
- image/png
- timestamp
- height
- 881665
- fee
- 18186
- reveal transaction
- 777df6b7e2d34c22bc9928f84480ef825aee06ca4ab0694b8afe4a850280b2ce
- location
- 777df6b7e2d34c22bc9928f84480ef825aee06ca4ab0694b8afe4a850280b2ce:0:0
- output
- 777df6b7e2d34c22bc9928f84480ef825aee06ca4ab0694b8afe4a850280b2ce:0
- offset
- 0
- details
- ethereum teleburn address
- 0xf372D138B41cbE213Fc6d593c323BCd6106FEc3c