Inscription 79061546
- parents
- rune
- id
- 7848d30605bd46cd10b5745d14e542eaf9ad7c3936c8c6d77a19a2b5a90c7a86i0
- metadata
- Number
- 0823
- Pokédex
- This Pokémon reigns supreme in the skies of the Galar region. The black luster of its steel body could drive terror into the heart of any foe.
- Generation
- Japanese
- Armorga
- Type
- Flying / Steel
- Abilities
- Pressure or Unnerve / Mirror Armor
- Height
- 7'03" / 2.2 m
- Weight
- 165.3 lbs. / 75.0 kg
- Evolution
- Rookidee > Corvisquire > Corviknight
- address
- bc1pf27c4vzfagdj5tm4h42ely3ysdnnse87r3k57j43frpj4v04k0rsvdqlww
- value
- 330
- sat
- 1483739661398175
- sat name
- dimaktbqezq
- delegate
- 00e6be8fd32457d76bd67980448ee91a7b6448ab6a69171bbebb186df924a40bi0
- preview
- link
- content
- link
- timestamp
- height
- 873454
- fee
- 1764
- reveal transaction
- 7848d30605bd46cd10b5745d14e542eaf9ad7c3936c8c6d77a19a2b5a90c7a86
- location
- 7848d30605bd46cd10b5745d14e542eaf9ad7c3936c8c6d77a19a2b5a90c7a86:1:0
- output
- 7848d30605bd46cd10b5745d14e542eaf9ad7c3936c8c6d77a19a2b5a90c7a86:1
- offset
- 0
- details
- ethereum teleburn address
- 0x2D69Ed40377Ded1AbC69D61E8a6463207A1B7DEb