Inscription 76265753
- parents
- id
- debbc826f4b825fcf10532d8cdbca6769a2ad00fdca88b6a1cc789dd35188e05i4
- metadata
- In Collection
- Proof of Track
- Piece of Title
- Routeburn, Towards Routeburn Falls
- Piece number
- 45/60
- Google link
- Photo Date
- 17th Nov 2019
- GPS location
- -44.7320, 168.1915
- Artist
- @21e6Crypto
- address
- bc1pxagzwt899qgl9qelkpputtzs9x6aulpvcqyl84t6qjy4zuwxfzls3mwem3
- value
- 10000
- sat
- 1313385966941668
- sat name
- envuhmyrxlt
- preview
- link
- content
- link
- content length
- 12158 bytes
- content type
- image/webp
- timestamp
- height
- 863937
- fee
- 9447
- reveal transaction
- debbc826f4b825fcf10532d8cdbca6769a2ad00fdca88b6a1cc789dd35188e05
- location
- debbc826f4b825fcf10532d8cdbca6769a2ad00fdca88b6a1cc789dd35188e05:5:0
- output
- debbc826f4b825fcf10532d8cdbca6769a2ad00fdca88b6a1cc789dd35188e05:5
- offset
- 0
- details
- ethereum teleburn address
- 0x91A96Fc0925c20d3f3d6C8844eB3C261Eee5DE7b